Friday, April 26, 2013

How would you life be easier if you weren't a muggle?

Please enjoy the following ramblings.

First off, Hermione was muggle-born, she became a witch and did quite fine in life. She didn't abuse her magical powers, and she found happiness with Ron.
Second off, if I wasn't a muggle, what exactly would I be? A wizard? A superhero? A super-villain? etc...? Well in Harry Potter, Mrs, Weasley uses spells to help clean the house and dishes.I would use those spells for sure. I would also use potions like liquid luck, because who wouldn't want be automatically lucky for a couple of hours? There are all of the obvious and the very shallow reasons for magic, but eventually life would get boring if you didn't have to work for anything. It is like playing Sims with the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled" cheat on; with this cheat, you can make your Sims basic needs be perfect all the time, gain all the skill points they need, get them any job that is available, make them all the friends they need for promotions, basically everything they need or want. After a little while, playing becomes extremely boring because there is nothing they need to accomplish, and their life becomes purposeless. As in Sims, life has the potential to become meaningless if the magic is over used or misused. It might make daily chores easier, but not having to do real work can really hurt the development of a person and how they interact with society.

I have had the first four books read to me when I was little, but I could never make it through the fifth-seventh novel. I have seen every movie, and our family (my sister) owns every single movie on DVD. We have attempted to do a Harry Potter Movie Marathon, but there are not enough hours in a weekend to eat, sleep, and watch every movie in a row, as well as get other chores done. During the summer, I plan on having a Movie Marathon, and/ or a book series read-through. One of the best series every.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed how you explored the actual drawbacks of having that power. We so often only think of what we don't have as superior to what we actually do have...
